Joint IHL Forum - January 2013

The Joint International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Forum


ALMA and the Radzyner School of Law of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) would like to invite you to the next session of the Joint International Humanitarian Law Forum. The session will be held on January 7, 2013, between 18:30 - 20:30 in room A325 in the IDC, Herzliya.

The session will focus on recent developments and current events:

  • Adv. Sigall Horovitz - ALMA member and a former legal adviser to the ICTR President – "Think Different – Why Israel Should Join the ICC Rome Statute" – a discussion following the UN General Assembly resolution to recognize Palestine as a non-member State observer. [For the summary of the lecture]

  • Adv. Ido Rosenzweig – ALMA Chairman and a researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute – "Pillar of Defense & IHL – targeted killings, military objectives, proportionality etc." – a discussion about the questions related to the Israeli and Palestinian conducts during the recent November conflict. [For the summary of the lecture]

Following the presentation there will be an open round-table discussion.

[The program may be subject to changes. Please visit the Forum webpage and ALMA's facebook page for updates]

*Please note that the lectures and the discussion are scheduled to be conducted in Hebrew. (However, per sufficient requests, the speakers are willing to conduct the lectures and the discussion in English.)

The Joint International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Forum of ALMA and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya is an academic round table for an open discussion on IHL related issues.

Each Session will include one or more short lectures following an open round table discussion.

The possible topics for the forum sessions include (inter alia) recently published articles or advanced draft articles, recent relevant court rulings and interesting developments which can be related to IHL. The main lecturers in the Joint Forum are Scholars, PhD candidates and Practitioners from the IHL field.

Those who wish to participate in the meetings of the Joint IHL Forum must register in advance via