Joint IHL Forum - June 2012

The Joint International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Forum


Dear friends,

ALMA and the Radzyner School of Law of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) would like to invite you to the next session of the Joint International Humanitarian Law Forum. The session will be held on Wednesday June 27, 2012, between 18:30 - 20:30 in room C110 (Arazi-Ofer Building, 2nd floor) in the IDC.

In this session Dr. Tristan Ferraro from the Legal Devision of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will present a recent ICRC report on:

Occupation and other forms of administration of foreign territory: expert meeting

The report, which the ICRC published on June 11, 2012, aims to document debates that took place during three meetings of experts that the ICRC convenved as part of a project on Occupation and other forms of administration of foreign territory. The purpose of the report is to shed some light on the adequacy of occupation law in its present state. The report deals with various related issues including - the beginning of occupation, the question of effective control, the end of occupation, multinational occupation, the rights and duties of an occupying power, the use of force in occupied territory and the application of human rights conventions in occupied territory. The report is attached to this invitation.

Dr. Tristan Ferraro, Legal Adviser in the ICRC’s Legal Division, was in charge of the project on occupation and other forms of administration of foreign territory and prepared and edited the report.

Following the lectures there will be an open round-table discussion.

The presentation and ensuing discussion will be conducted in English.

Those who wish to participate in the meetings of the Joint IHL Forum must register in advance via

Hila Adler - Head of the Joint IHL Forum.