Competition Announcements (2021)
Green Pass - IHL Competition 2021
Dear Competition participants,
The ICRC-ALMA 2021 IHL Competition is swiftly approaching!
Please note that all participants must provide a Green Pass before entering into the competition on the morning of 4 Oct 2021. Failure to do so will prevent participation. Please respond to this message that you are aware of this condition for participation.
Note that as of 3 Oct 2021, the Green Pass scheme in Israel will change accordingly:
In so far as the competition takes place in-person, student teams, as well as coaches, will be sharing rooms. Of course, even vaccinated persons can transfer and test positive for the delta or other variants of Covid-19. Coaches & students, please respond to this message confirming the following: that your participation in the 2021 IHL Competition is voluntary and that in attending, you assume all risks and dangers associated with your participation, and you agree to give the ICRC and its partners full release of liability for any personal injury or other loss suffered as a result of your participation.
We look forward to hosting you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We wish you all a safe, healthy and meaningful experience!
Our best,
IHL Competition Planning Committee
Summer Course - Final Meeting
Dear Participants,
We are pleased to announce that the last session of this year's IHL Summer Course will take place on September 23, between 15:00-18:30 (refreshments will be provided), at MyCampus facilities, 31 Lehi Street, Bnei Brak (visit link for instructions).
The Session will consist of two lectures. The first, on Displacement, will be given by Adv. Itay Epshtain. The second, on the Law of Occupation, will be given by Adv. Tom Gal.
The session schedule is as follows:
15:00-16:30 - Displacement - Itay Epshtain
16:30-16:45 - Break
16:45-18:15 - Law of Occupation - Tom Gal
Please note that students who participate in at least 75% of the course sessions provided by ALMA will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Summer Course Session 8 Date Change
Dear Participants,
The eighth session of this year's IHL Summer Course on International Human Rights and its relation with IHL - will take place on September 26, between 11:00-12:00 via zoom. A link to the session will be provided shortly before.
Our lecturer will be Yael Vias Gvirsman.
Yael is the Director and Founder of the first and only International Criminal and Humanitarian Law Clinic in Israel, based at the Radzyner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. She has been working on Defence at the International Criminal Court in The Hague since 2011.
Please note that students who participate in at least 75% of the course sessions provided by ALMA will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Summer Course Sessions 6-8
We are pleased to announce that the sixth session of this year's IHL Summer Course on Cyber - will take place on September 9, between 09:00-10:30 via zoom. A link to the session will be provided shortly before.
Our lecturer will be Izhar Izhak.
The seventh session of this year's IHL Summer Course on the Nature of IHL- will take place on September 13, between 17:30-19:00 via zoom. A link to the session will be provided shortly before.
Our lecturer will be Anne Quintin.
Anne Quintin is Head of Advisory Services in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). She has previously held a number of positions at the ICRC, in the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, as well as its North American delegation in Washington, DC.
Prior to working for the ICRC, Anne Quintin worked at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, as well as at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Geneva and San Remo. She has taught a number of IHL courses, including a course on ‘National Security and International Humanitarian Law’ at the Elliot School of International Affairs at the George Washington University. She is also a co-author of the reference work ‘How does law protect in war?’ together with Marco Sassòli and Antoine Bouvier.
The eighth session of this year's IHL Summer Course on International Human Rights and its relation with IHL - will take place on September 22, between 09:00-10:30 via zoom. A link to the session will be provided shortly before.
Our lecturer will be Yael Vias Gvirsman.
Yael is the Director and Founder of the first and only International Criminal and Humanitarian Law Clinic in Israel, based at the Radzyner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. She has been working on Defence at the International Criminal Court in The Hague since 2011.
Please note that students who participate in at least 75% of the course sessions provided by ALMA will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Summer Course - Fifth Session
We are pleased to announce that the fifth session of this year's IHL Summer Course on International Criminal Law - will take place on August 30, between 18:00-19:30 via zoom. A link to the session will be provided shortly before.
Our lecturer will be Rogier Bartels.
Rogier Bartels obtained law degrees from the universities of Utrecht (2003) and Nottingham (2004). Since 2013, he has been a legal officer in Chambers (Trial Division) of the International Criminal Court, but at the moment he is on special leave from this position (for a year), to act as an assistant professor of military law at the Netherlands Defence Academy and as a judge in the District Court of Amsterdam, where he sits (on a part-time basis) on domestic criminal trials.
Rogier was also sworn in as a justice of the Appeals Court of The Hague, to occasionally sit on international crimes and terrorism cases.
Rogier previously worked, inter alia, as a researcher in the Military Law Section of the Netherlands Defence Academy, as a lawyer for the International Crimes Section of the National Prosecutor’s Office of the Netherlands, an associate legal officer at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and as a legal adviser on IHL at the Netherlands Red Cross. He is member of the Law of Armed Conflict and Military Operations research programme of the University of Amsterdam and a research fellow at the Federmann Cyber Security Center in Jerusalem. He publishes on IHL and international criminal law, as well as the interplay between these two fields.
Rogier participated in the Jean Pictet competition in 2003, and while working at the Netherlands Red Cross, he founded (and organised the first three editions of) the Dutch national IHL competition, the “Frits Kalshoven IHL competition”, which is now in its 14th year.