13th National Competition on IHL (October 2019)
And the winners are: Adaya Kisos, Tal Spector Gross, and Marina Riveline from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Team A).
Congratulations also to the finalists: Roni Sobol, Uriel Shem Tov, and Danielle Regev from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Team B).
Winner of Best speaker award: Daria Chill from Bar-Ilan University.
We would like to thank our judges: Sareta Asraph, Nishat Nishat, Liv Halperin, and Nimrod Karin.
The National Competition on International Humanitarian Law, Israel-2019 is the 13th annual national competition in international humanitarian law (IHL) to be held in Israel.
The Competition is organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with the assistance of ALMA – the Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law in Israel.
Click here for the participating teams of the 2019 competition
The Purposes of the Competition
The purposes of the IHL Competition include:
1. Enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of IHL;
2. Developing students' capacity to apply the law in a practical and relevant manner to reallife situations;
3. Supporting the teaching of IHL in academic institutions; and
4. Preparing participants for IHL-related professional pursuits.
Important Dates
12 September (year previous to the competition): announcement about the upcoming competition's location and dates
1st October (year previous to the competition): opening of application process
The 2019 National Competition will take place between 27th and 31st of October, 2019
9th November (year previous to the competition): closure of application process
30th November (year previous to the competition): teams are informed about the outcome of their applications
1st December (year previous to the competition): examination of funding requests by the CCJP Universality fund
26 December (year previous to the competition): teams are informed on the outcome of their funding requests
31st December (year previous to the competition): deadline for teams to pay their registration fees (teams who haven't introduced a funding request)
31st January: deadline for teams to pay registration fees / flight tickets (teams having been partially exempted from registration fees / having received funding for some airplane tickets)
The 2019 Francophone and Anglophone edition (33rd) of the Jean Pictet Competition will take place between 22-29 February 2020. The Anglophone edition (34rd) will take place between 7-14 March 2020
For additional information please see the competition's regulations (attached, see below) and the IHL Competition Homepage or contact ihl.competition@alma-ihl.org