10th National Competition on IHL (September 2016)

Welcome to the website of the 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law for students.

The winners of the 10th National IHL Competition:Hebrew University II: Naomi Calvo Lax, Or Malki and Amit Haim.

Congratulations for the runner ups from IDC: Sapir Blau, Pini Wietchner and Simon Freedman.

The Uriel Massad best speaker award goes to: Omri Shalev (Hebrew University I)

Thanks for our judges:

Prof. Gary D. Solis, Prof. Antoine A. Bouvier, Dr. Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen, and Adv. Tom Gal.


The National Competition on International Humanitarian Law, Israel-2016 is the tenth annual national competition in international humanitarian law (IHL) to be held in Israel.

The Competition is organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with the assistance of ALMA – the Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law in Israel.

Click here for the participating teams of the 2016 competition

The Purposes of the Competition

The purposes of the IHL Competition include:

1. Enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of IHL;

2. Developing students' capacity to apply the law in a practical and relevant manner to reallife situations;

3. Supporting the teaching of IHL in academic institutions; and

4. Preparing participants for IHL-related professional pursuits.

Important Dates

1. A team’s completed Application Form must be received at mkerenabraham@icrc.org by 1 May 2016.

2. Dates of ALMA's training course for the participants of the competition:

First meeting: 1 May, 2016

Second meeting: 19 May, 2016

Third meeting: 26 May, 2016

Fourth meeting: 2 June, 2016

Students who participate in at least 75% of the four training sessions provided by ALMA will receive a Certificate of Participation in ALMA's IHL Training Course.

3. The 2016 National Competition will take place between 26 and 29, September, 2016.

For additional information please see the competition's regulations (attached, see below) and the IHL Competition Homepage or contact ihl.competition@alma-ihl.org