Joint IHL Forum - March 2015

The Joint International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Forum


Dear friends,

Update: The event will take place in room A323

ALMA - Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law and the Radzyner School of Law of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) would like to invite you to the next session of the Joint International Humanitarian Law Forum. The session will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 18:30, in room A323 in IDC, Herzeliya.

In this session we will address legal issues that arise from:

The United Nation Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014)

Regarding the Need to Prevent Travel and Support for Foreign Terrorist Fighters


1. Dr. Myriam Feinberg - Tel-Aviv University.

2. Dr. Daphne Richemond-Barak - IDC Herzeliya.

3. Dr. David Scharia - CTED (via skype).

4. Ms. Shani Dann - ALMA.

Following the presentations, there will be an open round-table discussion.Please note that the session will be conducted in English.

The meeting is free and open to the public. If you wish to attend the meetings of the Joint IHL Forum please register in advance via


Ms. Shani Dann - Joint IHL Forum Coordinator

Adv. Ido Rosenzweig, ALMA Chairman