Video: New Technologies and Warfare
In recent years, a wide array of new technologies has entered the modern battlefield, giving rise to new methods and means of warfare, such as cyber attacks, armed drones and robots. While there can be no doubt that IHL applies to them, applying pre-existing legal rules to new technologies may raise the question of whether the rules are sufficiently clear in light of the new technologies' specific characteristics and foreseeable humanitarian impact.
The event took place in ICRC's Humanitarium (Geneva, Switzerland) on 25 March 2014.
Panel Introduction
Panel Introduction
What new technologies?
What new technologies?
Legal issues
Legal issues
Q&A with the audience
Q&A with the audience
Introducing ICRC's first Research & Debate Cycle - Interview with Vincent Bernard:
Introducing ICRC's first Research & Debate Cycle - Interview with Vincent Bernard:
Just what is really new? - Interview with Noel Sharkey
Just what is really new? - Interview with Noel Sharkey
Autonomous weapons, cyber warfare and drones - Interview with Marco Sassòli
Autonomous weapons, cyber warfare and drones - Interview with Marco Sassòli
Is International Humanitarian Law still relevant? - Interview with Laurent Gisel
Is International Humanitarian Law still relevant? - Interview with Laurent Gisel
Raising awareness among the military -- Interview with Roberta Arnold
Raising awareness among the military -- Interview with Roberta Arnold