ALMA Newsletter - April 2017
Dear friends,
Welcome to our April issue of the ALMA Newsletter, which includes the most recent news, updates and developments on International Humanitarian Law (IHL). In the aftermath of the American strike on a Syrian airfield, commentators continue to debate the legal basis for this practice. Accordingly, this Newsletter is dedicated, in part, to the contributions concerning recent practice in IHL.
We would also take the opportunity to congratulate the winners of the 29th Jean Pictet IHL Competition - Buenos Aires University, and the 4th Clara Barton IHL Competition - University of Minnesota.
As always, you are welcome to keep in touch via our Facebook page and twitter. In order to subscribe to our mailing list please click here.
Season's greetings,
Ido Rosenzweig
ALMA Chairman.
Calls for Papers
1) Call for Panel Proposals: International Law Weekend 2017, which will take place October 19-21, 2017, in New York City. The Organizing Committee invites proposals to be submitted .online by April 30, 2017
2) Call for submissions: Special issue on "The Relationship between International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law", The journal Human Rights & International Legal Discourse. Abstracts shall be submitted by July 1, 2017.
3) Call for Submissions: Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Visions of a Plural World. Proposals for contributions are to be sent until May 15, 2017
4) Call for papers: Hamburg Young Scholars’ Workshop in International Law, which will be held on September 15-16, 2017 at the University of Hamburg. Abstracts shall be submitted by May 31, 2017.
5) Call for papers: Masaryk University will organize a seminar for the selection of Israeli and Central European doctorate students (10 in total) in Telč in July 2017. The theme is "Democracy in crisis: The stability of democratic regimes in light of social, political, religious, economic, and security changes." Deadline for applications is May 5, 2017.
6) Call for papers: The UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence welcomes submissions that engage with the theme of 'Crisis and Law'. Papers are to be submitted by May 5, 2017.
7) Call for Papers: Católica Graduate Legal Research Conference 2017' which will be held in Lisbon on September 21-22, 2017, welcomes papers on the topic of 'Law in the Area of Technological Change'. Abstracts are to be submitted by May 20, 2017.
IHL Articles & Media
Publications concerning the strike on the Syrian airbase
1) James Cockayne and Christian Wenaweser, Justice for Syria?: The International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism and the Emergence of the UN General Assembly in the Realm of International Criminal Justice (J Int Criminal Justice)
2) Kevin Jon Heller, Why Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention is Illegal and Potentially Criminal (Opinio Juris)
3) Ryan Goodman, Robert S. Taylor: On the Syria Strikes and Future of Non-UN Humanitarian Action (Just Security)
4) Stephen Griffin, The Fog of War Powers (Just Security)
5) Milena Sterio, ‘Syria: The (Il)legality of the United States’ Use of Force Against Assad’ (INTLAWGRRLS)
6) Anthea Roberts, ‘Syrian Strikes: A Singular Exception or a Pattern and a Precedent? (EJIL: talk!)
7) Rebecca Ingber, International Law is Failing Us in Syria (Just Security)
8) Ryan Goodman, Making Sense of the Allegations that U.S. Military Struck a Mosque in Syria (Just Security)
9) Chris O'Meara, United States’ Missile Strikes in Syria: Should International Law Permit Unilateral Force to Protect Human Rights? (EJIL: Talk!)
10) ALMA's IHL Forum - Recent Events in Syria (ALMA-IHL)
Other recent IHL publications
1) Michael Schmitt and Lt. Cdr. Peter Barker, The Mother of All Bombs”: Understanding the Massive Ordnance Air Blast Weapon (Just Security)
2) The latest issue of Global Responsibility to Protect (Vol. 9, no. 2, 2017) is out
3) Cristián Correa, Getting to Full Restitution: Guidelines for Court-Ordered Reparations in Cases Involving Sexual Violence Committed during Armed Conflict, Political Violence, or State Repression (ICTJ)
4) Ben Brockman-Hawe, Accountability for 'Crimes Against the Laws of Humanity' in Boxer China: An Experiment with International Justice at Paoting-Fu (University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 38(2))
5) Julian Ku and Chris Mirasola, As the U.S. Considers a North Korea Strike, Let’s Not Forget that China Has Promised to Defend North Korea from an Armed Attack (Lawfare Blog)
6) ICRC, West Bank: ICRC Office in Hebron Attacked (ICRC)
7) Katharine Fortin, New Intercross Podcast: Intersection of IHL andIslam with Dr. Ahmed Al-Dawoody (Armed Groups and International Law)
8) ASIL, Bombing Terrorist Revenue: Legitimate Military Strategy or War Crime? (ASIL Cable)
9) The latest issue of the International Review of the Red Cross, War in Cities, is out (IRRC No 901)
@ALMA_IHL Selected Tweets
1) #IHLvideo: ALMA's #IHL Forum - Recent Events in Syria via YouTube
2) #IHLarticle: West Bank: #ICRC Office in Hebron Attacked .@ICRC
3) #IHLarticle Robert S. Taylor: On the Syria Strikes & Future of Non-UN Humanitarian Action .@rgoodlaw .@just_security
4) Damascus: #Syria team wins the Regional Humanitarian Law competition for students from Arab universities #IHL .@ICRC
For more IHL tweets please visit our twitter page
Upcoming IHL Worldwide Events
1) May 1, 2017, high level panel on the policing of assemblies and human rights: freedom of assembly, prohibition of torture and right to life (Geneva).
2) May 4, 2017, Conference on "Derogation from the European Convention on Human Rights under Contemporary Situations of Emergency" (Faculty of Law at the University of Graz, Austria)
3) May 4-5, 2017, TLJN Conference 2017 - Transnational Criminal Law in the Americas (Windsor, Ontario)
4) May 22-23, 2017, The 12th Annual Minerva/ICRC Conference on International Humanitarian Law (Israel)