Happy 2014
HAPPY 2014
From ALMA - Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law
As we end year 2013, we at ALMA would like to wish you a happy 2014. May it be a year of less (armed) conflicts and more knowledge, understanding and discussions.
Here are a few updates on our doings in 2013:
(a) The Joint IHL Forum, with the cooperation of IDC Herzliya, conducted sessions on operation "Pillar of Defense", Israel and ICC, Human Rights Watch's activities, Settlements and the ICC, Drones and Law Enforcement, Israel and Nuclear Iran, and Non-Refoulement under IHL. We would like to thank all of our speakers and guests for very enlightening discussions. We look forward to more interesting sessions during 2014, including our first "Young Researchers" forum.
(b) IHL Lectures and Workshops were conducted throughout the year to students and practitioners.
(c) National IHL Competition - ALMA continues to cooperate with the local ICRC delegation and the Swiss embassy in the National IHL Competition.
(d) A new twitter account for @ALMA_IHL was inagurated. ALMA's twitter provides quick updates on IHL and ALMA developments.
(e) Upcoming IHL Events - Worldwide - This database aims to provide general information about all upcoming events related to international humanitarian law. Those who wish to add an event to the website can email events@alma-ihl.org.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new ALMA members Ms. Katja Knöchelmann and Adv. Racheli Friedman. We also send our best wishes to our departing founding member, Ms. Carmel Shenkar.
ALMA works constantly to promote the knowledge of IHL in Israel and abroad. We could not do this without the help of our supporters and volunteers. We thank you and look forward to continuing such fruitful cooperations in 2014.
Happy 2014,
Ido Rosenzweig,
ALMA Chairman.