7th National IHL Competition - Results
Post date: Nov 16, 2013 7:46:54 PM
The 7th National competition on IHL is over and here are the results:
The winners - Hebrew University Team E: Mr. David Zlotogorski, Ms. Shani Nyer and Ms. Neomi Levinov.
The runner ups are Team C from the IDC: Mr. Yahel Kaplan, Mr. Benjamin Rose and Ms. Sophia Lazarus.
The winner of the Uriel Massad Best Speaker Award : Ms. Rina Dorfman from Haifa University.
The winner of the Judges' Overall Excellence Award: Ms. Rebecca Baskin from the Hebrew University.
Thank you also to the competition judges - Ms. Emanuella Gillard, Dr. Janina Dill, Ms. Nathalie Weizmann and Mr. Nimrod Karin.
ALMA wishes to thank the ICRC and the Swiss Embassy in Israel for their collaboration with the 7th national competition.
See you next year for the 8th national competition.